Recordkeeping Outsourcing

American Trust Retirement provides an outsourcing solution that keeps your brand at the forefront, while providing the technology, administration and operational aspects of the recordkeeping process.

financial planner on phone with client

Your Brand, Not Ours

You’ve spent a lot of time building your brand. It represents who you are and what you stand for. Our institutional outsourcing program is a private label solution designed to highlight your brand and keep it at the forefront, while we do the back-office operations and administrative work behind the scenes. We don’t compete, we support.

We have a team of retirement specialists, and we have invested in the industry’s best technology to benefit our institutional partners. We act as a long-term partner, providing the scale and back-end infrastructure to deliver an efficient solution.

Contact us today!

Whether you have a question you would like answered or want to share a brilliant idea, we are excited to hear from you.