Payroll Integration Services
We make it easy to offer participants the opportunity to retire successfully and easy for the plan sponsor to deliver that benefit without an increased administrative burden. One way we accomplish this is by offering payroll integration services with various payroll providers.
What is Payroll Integration?
The service allows a payroll provider to send data from a payroll file directly to American Trust Retirement, eliminating the manual process a plan sponsor would typically go through during each payroll period. For 180-degree payroll integration, data flows from the payroll provider directly to American Trust. In 360-degree payroll integration, data flows from American Trust directly to payroll provider and vice versa.
American Trust currently offers payroll integration with a robust and ever-growing list of 360- and 180-degree payroll providers.
American Trust currently offers payroll integration with the following payroll providers:
180° payroll integration
- ADP Workforce Now
- Ahola Corporation/PayKonnect
- Allied Payroll
- Balance Point
- Bamboo HR
- Ceridian
- Ceridian DayForce
- Certified Payroll Associates, Inc.
- Complete Payroll
- Dominion Payroll
- Namley
- Optima Benefits and Payroll
- Paycom
- Paycor
- Payroll Solutions
- Source One Payroll
- UltimateSoftware
- UltiPro GLB
- Workday
360° payroll integration
- ADP Run
- ADP Workforce Now
- Alerus
- Altera
- Kronos
- Pay(k)onnect
o 360 Simplicity o AB Payroll o Abacus o Abel HR o AccuPay o Affiliated Payroll o Ahola o Alcott HR o Alliance HCM o AmChecks o Anchor Pays o APS o ASAP o Aspen HR o Asset HR o Associated Food Stores, Inc. o Asure Evolution
o Asure Mangrove o Auzilium HCM o AVL Business Solutions/Platinum Group o Basic Payroll Plus o Beene Garter o Bene-Care o Brands Paycheck o Business ASAP o Business Financial Group Human o Cadence HCM o California Payroll o Candoor HCM o Carribean Payroll o CentexWayne o CEOS Corporation (TimePays) o Certified Payroll Associates o CESPAY o CGI Payroll Services o Clarity o Classic Choice Payroll o Clear Employer Services o Coastal o Combined o Commonwealth o Commonwealth Payroll o Compass Payroll o Complete Payroll o Complete Payroll Resources o Comploy o ConceptHR o Contempo o COPAC Payroll o CPC o Crescent o CTR-HCM o CustomPay o CyberPay o DataPay o Detweiler, Hershey & Associates o Digital Payroll Corporation o Dominion-Florida o Dominion-Nashville o Dominion-Richmond o Dynamic-HR o EBC o EmployDrive o Encompass o Envision Payroll o Epayroll Resources Group, LLC o Equity Financial o Escalon Payroll Solutions o ExecuPay o FingerCheck o FlexChecks o Focus HR o Get Payroll o Greenlink o Group Management Services / SimPEO o GTM o HigherUp o Highflyer o HireLevel o HR Butler o HR Pals o HRCG (HR Consulting Group) o iBusiness Solutions o Idilus o Infinium o Insperity o IPS Payroll (Integrated Payroll) o IronRoad o iSolved o KEB Business Consultants Inc o Keller & Owen o Keystone o Ledger Payroll o Liberty Payroll o Lift HCM o Magellan HCM o Magnify Payroll o Managed Pay o MassPay o Media Data o Media Data Solutions o MercBank o Midwest Hardware Association o Minute Men HR o Morgan White o Newtek o NextHR Solutions o OneDigital o PaperTrails o Paragon Payroll o Pay Data USA o Pay NW o PayBridge o Paycor o PayDay Employer Services o PayDay Payroll o PayFluence o PayLogics o PayMedia o Pay-Net o Payority/Pay Studio o Payroll & Benefits Solutions (PBS) o Payroll Company o Payroll Department o Payroll People o Payroll Plus o Payroll Processors o Payroll Select o Payroll Services o Payroll Solutions o Payroll Vault o PayServ o PayUSA o People Guru o Precision Payroll Services o Premier Payroll o Premiernow o Press Gold Group o Proliant o Red River Payroll o Reliable o Rippling o RKL o Samuel Hale o Savant HR o SDP o Serendipity o SHS Services o SimCo HR o SNF o Solex o Solutions for Payroll o Sullivan Group o Summit One Source o Tax Wizards LLC o Teamployer o TechServe Alliance o The Payroll Company (TPC) o The Payroll Network o Thread o Thrive o Unify Employee o Unity HR o Uzio o Vida HR o Vision Payroll o Walcor o Wayroll HR o Whirks o WipFli o Workforce Solutions o WorkTrend HCM o Yarmouth Payroll o Zuma - Paychex FLEX
- Paylocity
- Proliant
- Quickbooks Online
- UltiPro/Cologios
Is There a Cost?
We are pleased to offer payroll integration services to our valued clients at no additional cost. It’s important to note, however, that some payroll providers do charge for this service in their end. As such, it’s recommended that you reach out to your payroll provider to gain a better understanding regarding any fees that may be associated with setting up a payroll integration solution and what features may be available.
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